Thursday 27 September 2012

Pepper-Potato Macaroni Pasta

Hello friends,
Italian recipes are considered as one of the healthiest recipes and when the word Italian recipe is used, what one would quickly get in their mind is Pasta. There are many varieties of Pasta available, for example, Penne, Sphagetti, Macaroni, Vermicelli, Lasagne, Farfalle, etc.

I am going to make Macaroni pasta today. I have used Macaroni elbows which are commonly available in local super markets. Many varieties of elbow macaronis can be made. I am making elbow macaroni pasta with pepper and potatoes.

Macaroni – 1 Cup
Potato (diced) – 1
Onion (sliced) –1
Freshly ground pepper (or ready-made pepper powder) – 1 tspn
Green Chillies (sliced) – 2
Cabbage (shredded) – ½ cup
Soy Sauce – ½ tspn
Vinegar – ½ tspn
Water – 4 cups
Red Chilli powder – ½ tspn
Edible Olive Oil (use any Edible Vegetable Oil if Olive Oil is not available) – 2 ½ tblspn
Salt as per taste

  1. Add macaroni, ½ tspn salt to boiling water and cook for 7-10 minutes till macaroni becomes soft (ensure that they are not overcooked, else they would get sticky)
  2. Add ½ tblspn of oil before taking the macaroni off from the heat. Drain excess water and keep aside
  3. Take 2 tblspn of oil in a pan and add sliced green chillies, onion and toss for ½ min
  4. Add potatoes and keep tossing until the potatoes obtain a light golden brown colour (they get semi-crispy)
  5. Add cabbage, red chilli powder and toss for 30 seconds.
  6. Add soy sauce and vinegar and toss again.
  7. Finally, add macaroni, pepper and salt into the pan and mix well
    Garnish with shredded cabbage and serve hot..!!
The recipe tastes best with tomato ketchup

Please do write in a comment if you like this recipe.

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